Getting to grips with too many ideas

Opportunities and getting started.

Hello again,

Ever ended up with too many business ideas all zooming around in your head and driving you mad?

Well, it happens to us all, if you’re in a receptive mood that is.

Before I ran my own company and was an employee, I could never figure out how it was that those that ran their own companies always seemed to be ahead of the game in spotting trends and new ideas. As an employee, I was focused on doing the job I was paid to do, quite rightly, but on long flights and train journeys, I would have nothing better to do that flick through magazines and muse on the ideas and products advertised.

The main issue was how to investigate and get a new business up and running while still being an employee. Everyone I know who has started up their own company has been in this situation. Some get their ideas fully researched before they go for it. Others are just convinced that the new venture will succeed and that’s that. Somewhat risky.

Do you have an idea for a business and just can’t seem to get anywhere with it?

What is stopping you?

If the answer is TV, newspapers and no time, then I’m afraid you need to look again at what is really motivating you and what you really want to do.

If, on the other hand, your business idea makes you wake up at night with the excitement of how it will pan out, then at least that will give you the push to make the time to do the research and get things moving.

Off for Easter Holidays for a week or so. All the best, Roy Lewis