Trying something new – should be easy…..

Mistakes made in making a YouTube video.

This blog is the start of a slightly different tack from the recent ones. The past ones have been mostly about shows etc. This and a number of subsequent blogs will be about the new ideas I am having a go at and how I get on with it, what worked, what didn’t and how I get round the issues – which may be finger trouble on my part or just not reading the instructions properly, not that that has ever happened.

The reason for setting up all these forthcoming blogs is so that others who are attempting similar activities can see that it can be done, it is worth the effort and that they are not the only ones feeling a bit overwhelmed by some of the new skills that need to be learnt just to set up one new idea.The new idea I would like to cover in this blog is making a YouTube video of me explaining the background to one of my liqueurs, namely Hebridean Whisky Liqueur. I have thought about doing this for over a year, got the equipment needed but not started. Analysing this, I have come to the conclusion that it is the number of areas involved in actually getting a video on YouTube that has put me off even starting. This is ridiculous as I have explained the background to Hebridean Whisky Liqueur thousands of times at consumer shows over the years-I can do it without thinking. But what happened when the camera was on….

Well, to my amazement, I started to stumble over the words and forgot half of what I was planning to say, It was almost as if not having an audience to perform to, made it impossible to be natural.

So what now. I have two options – keep practicing or try making the video with an audience to explain it to.. My first attempts were so bad that I deleted them right away. By next week, I aim to be able to send you the details of the new YouTube video – has to be less than 1 minute or no-one looks at it apparently.

Have a nice weekend.

Roy Lewis