Rally postscript – rain, mud and soaked customers

Selkirk Rally a washout but a success despite this.

Well, it was a great plan until the weather altered just a bit. Saturday turned out to have Sunday’s weather so Sunday was wet, blast of sun then wet again, all day.

What this meant was that large numbers of car owners did not turn up – why put your lovely polished car into a quagmire? I wouldn’t, so I was amazed that any turned up at all. Despite the consequent drop in attendee numbers and the terrible weather, I still did okay after all. I didn’t really have much of an opportunity to do any Risk Reversal work but did focus on the two key aspects of our liqueurs.

The first point was that all my liqueurs are freshly made. What this means is that it is similar to when you bake a cake-the fresher it is, the nicer the taste. So it is with liqueurs. Other liqueurs are fine, but it is sometimes hard to work out how old they are when you buy them. To get the best tastes, the newer the liqueur the better.

The second point was that all the ingredients that I use are as pure as I can get. This is particularly important with the water that goes into each brand – only soft water is used, so that there is no mineral taste that you sometimes get in hard water areas of the UK. Soft water is available where I make the liqueurs, as rain does not flow through limestone rock, but over granite, so does not pick up any minerals.

An unexpected benefit of doing the Selkirk Rally was that I found out about other events coming up in the area. This usually happens when I go to a new area and have a chance to chat to other business owners and customers too – they often have good ideas for events that would suit me.

Enjoy the last of the summer this weekend.

Kind regards, Roy Lewis
