Decluttering and progress for the new season

Suppliers and customers – sorting out whom to deal with this year and why.


Another wintry week here in Argyll. Odd time of year this, with sales a bit quiet, but Easter looming. Being busy sorting out what we want to keep in our office and what to throw out.

The same applies to our suppliers and customers – which ones do we want to deal with this year? Well, it all comes down to dealing with suppliers that are aware that we rely on them to treat us well and not mislead us on delivery times and availability of their goods and services. For retail customers, it is having ones that are doing well and are willing to pay us in a reasonable timescale.

First impressions can be deceptive. Several years ago, I signed up a ‘very successful’ delicatessen chain of stores here in Scotland. All and sundry helpfully informed me that I had to be in their shops. They took our liqueurs alright but were very reluctant to pay for them. It took over a year and endless calls to get our money. Having done this, I decided not to supply them any more. At the end of the day, it was not worth it as I expected them to go bust at any time and it would be a total loss to us. As it turns out, they are still trading, but even now, I would be reluctant to supply them as they still appear to be very disorganised.

Nowadays I am happier supplying nice steady, but perhaps lower profile retailers, that have a good solid customer base and buy regularly from me with no hassle or tricks. For lots of small businesses when starting, up, they chase too many unsuitable retailers and customers. It does take a while to work out which ones are worth having and sadly, many of these small businesses go under because that have a poor selection of customers and can’t cope with the losses.

Having good suppliers is the same. I want them to look upon us as one of their best customers and that we are worth looking after. I tell them this right at the beginning of our business dealings because I want to be clear from the start that I am serious about doing business with them and want them to be keen to sell their goods and services to me. If they don’t, they will find that we will change suppliers until we find one that does look after us, has an interest in us doing well and shows it.

All the best.  Roy Lewis