New delivery options

Mail order new delivery service.


More new developments in our liqueur business this past week which will have a postive impact on our mail order business.

We have been using a delivery company for several years which has a depot near us. Locally, the staff are terrific. Sadly for them and us, their care and attention to looking after our goods does not extend to the other depots in the UK. What this means is that last November and December it seemed that we were constantly getting into difficulties with getting our mail orders delivered to the right address and arriving intact.

During January I investigated several Courier companies so that we could have an alternative service ready. The company that appears to have the best option for us and our customer is FedEx. So, from March onwards, I will be using FedEx for some of our orders and will see how they get on. There’s nothing like trying out a service to really work out how the process for delivering our orders actually works the way we and our customers expect.

Spring weather has arrived in Helensburgh – out for a bike run yesterday, the first of the year. Not long now until Easter and the real start of our year.

All the best. Roy Lewis