BBC Good Food Show – aftermath

An interesting 3 days indeed. Lots of people wanting to sample our liqueurs and whisky leading to sales, which pays for everything. More importantly, everyone I asked to complete my new Customer Survey did so willingly. Excellent results and I am planning to change the  special offers for mail order and Internet customers  on the back of the Survey results.

So, what does this all mean for you ? Having taken the step of asking our customers what they want, I will continue this by sending a survey to all our mail order customers. I think  I have been doing this type of survey face to face with customers for years in a more casual way, but is is so much more powerful when they actually commit to writing down their responses to a standard set of questions.

Coming soon will be an opportunity for you to make suggestions for a new brand that I am planning to launch. More on this later.

All the best, Roy Lewis